Uniform of 2ndLt. Manke, 1st ESB, Normandy Invasion Veteran.

This is the uniform of 2nd Lt. Manke, serial number is 0-1643826. He landed at Normandy where he served as a "beach director". He wore the helmet during the invasion. The uniform has Signal Corps lapel devices. This photo contributed by Jim Wescott of Michigan who served on a Navy Landing Ship Medium. "We were 203ft. long. We made combat landings at Lingayon Gulf PI. and were in the whole Okinawa battle. We lost 7 or 8 LSM's at Okinawa. We landed combat engineers in Lingayon, also at Okinawa. After the war ended we picked up combat engineers at Lingayon and took them to Sasebo Japan" . Anyone with information on Lt. Manke is asked to contact this site or Jim Wescott, 1872 Burlington Drive, Hickory Corners, MI. 49060 or email him at Gulll@Webtv.net .

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